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Best Dayton Drug Charge Lawyers

Fotolia 131785137 Subscription Monthly MAll states, as well as the federal government, maintain laws related to the possession, use, manufacture, and distribution of controlled substances, commonly referred to simply as drugs. Drug crimes and laws are complicated to understand, and if you charged with a drug offense, the penalties that you may face depend upon a number of things, including the amount of drug and the type of drug involved. At the Comunale Law Office, our Dayton drug charge lawyers can help you to build your case and understand how to protect yourself.

Ohio Drug Charges  – Schedules and Prohibited Activities

The state of Ohio categorizes drugs into schedules, with Schedule I drugs being the most severe drugs, and Schedule V drugs being the least severe drugs. The type of drug that is involved in your case will affect the potential penalties you face; i.e. crimes involving Schedule I drugs are more harshly penalized.

In addition to recognizing different classes of drugs, the state also recognizes different types of prohibited activities. These include:

  • Possession;
  • Trafficking; and
  • Manufacturing and cultivation.

The Supreme Court of Ohio has published a fantastic resource online for understanding all drug offenses recognized in the state.

Penalties for Drug Offenses

A misdemeanor drug crime will be penalized in a less aggressive manner than a felony drug crime, so it is important that you understand the charges you’re facing. For example, a first degree misdemeanor drug crime may be punished by an incarceration period of up to six months and a fine of up o $1,000, whereas a fifth-degree felony drug charge has a six month minimum incarceration period and a 12 month maximum, as well as a fine of up to $2,500. Of course, very serious drug crimes can result in years in prison.

Defenses to Drug Charges

If you are facing drug charges, it is important that you work with an experienced attorney who understands your situation and potential defenses available to you. Potential defenses include lack of knowledge of possession, entrapment, violations of one’s constitutional rights (such as illegal search and seizure), or certain exceptions, such as a prescription for medical marijuana.

Contact an Experienced Attorney Today

The last thing that you want to do if you have been charged with a drug crime in the state of Ohio is attempt to represent yourself; this is almost a surefire way to guarantee a conviction. Instead of self-representation, exercise your right to competent legal representation by calling the experienced attorneys at the Comunale Law Office today. Our lawyers will work hard on your behalf, and know how to analyze evidence, build a defense, and work with the prosecution. To schedule a consultation with our law firm, please call 937-227-3310 today, or send us an email at contact@comunalelaw.com. You can also fill out the confidential contact form on our website at your convenience.

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