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Child Custody Lawyers in Dayton, Ohio

Child Custody Lawyers in Dayton, Ohio

Child custody is often one of the most stressful, emotional, and trying issues for parents and their children. Parents want to spend as much time as possible with their children, and the children do not want to disappoint their parents. When a child custody issue arises, you need an empathetic and experienced attorney by your side to zealously advocate for the best interests of you and your child. At Comunale Law, our family law attorneys are prepared to help. Call the office or contact us now to schedule a consultation of your case.

Sole or Joint Custody

The first significant issue in any child custody matter is whether one parent will retain sole custody or the parents will share joint custody of a child. With sole custody, the child lives with one parent and that parent makes all of the decisions about the child’s care. With joint custody, the child spends time living with both parents and the parents make decisions jointly about the child’s care. The court typically presumes that joint custody is in the child’s best interests unless a parent can show otherwise.

Physical and Legal Custody

The next issue to resolve in custody cases are the issues of physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to where the child lives and how much time is spent living with each parent. Legal custody refers to the decision making authority of each parent to decide important aspects of a child’s life, such as medical care, schooling, religious upbringing, extracurriculars, and more. The court usually encourages parents to come to an agreement about these issues on their own, but if necessary the court will step in and decide. An experienced child custody attorney can ensure that you receive as much time and decision making authority for your child as possible.

Modifications to Child Custody

In the months and years after an initial child custody decision, the circumstances may change for the parents or the child that necessitates a modification of the child custody order. This requires a substantial change in circumstances that are permanent, material, significant, and unanticipated at the time of the original custody agreement. If you believe that changes in your life warrant a modification of the custody agreement, a knowledgeable child custody attorney can review the details of your case and aggressively seek a modification for more time with your child. To learn more about how a child custody attorney can help with original orders and modifications, talk to our office today.

Call or Contact the Office Now

We understand how difficult child custody matters can be for everyone involved and are here to provide top-tier legal counsel for your case. Are you in need of an experienced and knowledgeable family law attorney in Ohio for your child custody matter? If so, the attorneys at Comunale Law are here to help. Call the office or contact us today to schedule a consultation of your case now to learn more about your legal options. 

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